Speech Competition
Oath Taking Ceremony

Personality Grooming

Personality is what makes a person unique. Literal meaning of personality is the distinctive character or qualities of a person. Development means to make more elaborate. So, together they mean different action taken for the development of the character and attitude.

A Crucial factor that moulds the personality of a child is the environment to which they are exposed to. Need not say that no place can be a better place than school and college for personality grooming. Gone are the times when school and college used to be mere chalk and duster classes. Nowadays school and college is becoming more activity oriented and interactive. School and college gives a broader perspective on life, more knowledge and broader platform to share views and gain experiences. More importantly, they help in the development of cognitive, behavioural and emotional intelligence that forms part of one’s personality.

Our aim at Fazaia Chains of School ; Colleges is to provide a broader platform, a nurturing culture and the patience and perseverance of our teachers, assists students in personality-grooming in school and at college. It not only includes the physical grooming but also develops the mindset which helps children to have their own thinking, their own views, their own perspective and their own individual personality.

“Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power.”

Having said that we would say that "Personality Grooming" is an integral part of our educational system and should be followed religiously. We at Fazaia Chains of Schools and Colleges strive to be “The Best” in studies but at the same time not to forget to develop our students as the finest personalities and to be the best Personality Grooming Institution as well.