FTTI Building
Training at FTTI


Fazaia Chains of Schools Colleges is committed to helping all in the organisation to achieve the highest standards of professional excellence through offering and implementing contemporary teachers' training and professional development programmes by Fazaia Teachers Training Institute (FTTI) for teachers. FTTI's professional development programs give opportunity to competent teachers to prepare themselves according to changing needs of the educational era. It envisions preparing teachers with a variety of ideas to teach effectively. By applying greater expertise, and demanding better results, these teachers are prepared to bring about a dramatic expansion of educational facilities and quality at all levels. A range of General and Continuing Pedagogical Skills, training courses and workshops are offered by the institute. FTTI carries out in-house as well as outreach training and evaluation of the Fazaia Teachers. Additionally FTTI is also responsible for academic planning of Fazaia Schools and Colleges as well as centralized setting of question papers for all major examinations Fazaia Chains of Schools Colleges understand the importance of staff development, training and individual learning is paramount to achieving organisational training goals. This is accomplished through general and targeted training. The purpose of training and professional development is to:

  • Enable and encourage employees to work to their full potential to support the organization.
  • Ensure that all staff has the requisite knowledge and skills to perform their jobs effectively and in future.
  • Encourage each individual trainee to develop her/his school or other workplace to achieve its full potential and to meet the needs of the organisation.