
<h1>News Letter</h1>

PAF Resolve for this academic year is unique in its own way. Like PAF  glorious traditions it has come up to the expectations of its forebearers. The slogan of Clean, Green, Compassionate was well-received by FIC Jinnah Camp management and staff members. The glimpses of PAF resolve can be seen here.


The main points of PAF resolve 2018 are:


·         5 minutes talk about the impact and value of cleanliness with students, being conducted once a week.


·         Posters, Charts and Banners made by the students.


·         Student walk arranged in the college premises.


·         Islamiat Teachers delivered lectures to promote cleanliness.


·         Science Teachers prepared multimedia presentation, with video clips, images and animations to spread awareness about importance of tree plantation.


·         Islamiat Teachers prepared multimedia-based lectures containing Islamic Teachings on compassion.


·      2 Minute Talk on compassion, in morning assembly.


·      Note keeping by students to record their experience and their parent’s compassionate behavior which they share with class on weekly basis.


·         Compassion week was celebrated in the college, as a sign of sympathy, for the less privileged.



<h1>News Letter </h1>



News Letter

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