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"Tell me and I will forget. Show me and I will remember.Involve me and I will understand."

This old Chinese proverb is a very sagacious comment on the nature of teaching and learning. Gone are the days when the role of a teacher was merely to inform and impart knowledge. The world has come to a very long way through its cycle of evolution and development from the primitive to the modern age. Today, the mechanism of education is not confined to any cut and dry definition. Conversely, it has become a system of infinite possibilities. Therefore, the responsibility of both the teacher and the taught has increased manifold.

Todays teacher is not supposed to transmit just the contents of the prescribed syllabi, but to engage the learners in multiple areas of learning. Similarly, the learners are not supposed to only absorb a few bits of random information. They are rather required to explore, expand and evaluate the various aspects of their concerned disciplines. Accordingly, the latest teaching learning strategies stem from the core concept of student centered model of class room work. It helps the students a lot to draw their own conclusions from the total substance of their courses and give their own judgement regarding the scope of their findings. In other words the balance of academic work has been shifted completely towards the active participation of each and every student in a class. The idea of teacher guided activities is no longer in fashion. After all, it is the students who have to benefit from the practical shape of their learning. So, they must stay actively busy at all the stages of their learning process.

Amjad Ali Malik, Lecturer

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